The Stock Insider Emerging Tech ETF

13.07.2024 - ETF and Telegram Channel testing 100% finished

Waiting for the market correction to launch.

The big announcement — The Stock Insider ETF + Telegram signals

  • Semi-quant ETF focused on emerging tech:

    • Cyber Security

    • Artificial Intelligence

    • Automation, Autonomy, and Robotics

    • DNA Technologies, Genomics, and Biotech

    • Social Media Platforms

    • Energy Storage

    • Blockchain

    • Big Data

    • Fintech

Our fund vs. NASDAQ100 vs. S&P500 over last 12 months

This graph was generated by our friends at TradingView. Did you know you can get 60% off the Premium plan forever even though it's not Black Friday?

  • Mostly top 500 NASDAQ companies — Higher risk, higher possible return. The fund I’m working at yielded +61.34% over the last 12 months. But things can’t only go up, and for this ETF, I’m thinking about being a bit more conservative and aiming at 20-30% annual return. Nothing is guaranteed in life and, again, not financial advice. I’d rather do +20% than -20%.

  • This will be a brand new fund that I will personally start from scratch when we have all the necessary requirements. Over time, I will put $1M of my own money into it. The holdings will be completely transparent. I will post weekly holdings statements and performance metrics.

  • This will not be financial advice. I will make trades with my own personal fund and will send you Telegram notifications of what I’m doing. Purely educational for you.

  • I will make a few trades a week, sometimes a few trades a day. It all depends on what’s happening. No hardcore day trading. I don’t buy and sell the same stock in the same day. I tend to keep many stocks for weeks/months, although there are a few that I “specialize” in and trade more frequently, like Roblox. Yes, it’s a dumb game, but it made me a lot of money because I understand its volatility.

  • This service will be available for free to all premium subscribers (opt-in) and you will not pay anything for receiving the Telegram messages.

Above is an example of what I bought this week. I will start a brand new portfolio once the signals are ready and fully tested and everyone has the time to get hooked up on them.

When Are We Launching?

Here's what you need to know:

  • Proven Market Timing Strategy: For over 10 years, I've been successfully timing the market using this specific method. While many say you can't time the market, my experience suggests otherwise.

  • When The Market Is Ready: I’m aiming at very solid returns (30-50% annual returns) and we will launch when our quant signals that we are close to the bottom of the next market correction. Whether it is weeks or months, I can’t tell you exactly. I’m investing a lot of my personal wealth into this too and I want to make big returns.

Remember, in the investment world, timing is everything. Our goal is to start strong and provide you with the most valuable learning experience from day one.

Once the Stock Insider ETF launches

  • New premium subscribers will receive the Telegram channel invitation in their welcome email.

  • Existing premium subscribers will be sent the channel invitation just before launch.

Remember, the Stock Insider portfolio is for educational purposes only. All trades are made using my personal funds and are not open to outside investment. This is not financial advice - always do your own research before making investment decisions. Do not invest what you can’t afford to lose.

We're excited about this change and the improved experience it will bring to our subscribers.

Thank you for your continued interest in learning from our Stock Insider journey!